Even though Epic Online Services is free to developers, there’s a slim chance that Rockstar would update Grand Theft Auto V with this feature. The only way we could see crossplay work is if it was just between Xbox One and PS4, but this again is unlikely to arrive. This was, unsurprisingly, due to modders discovering a way to circumvent this feature. There are even smaller details that differentiate console and PC, such as the latter not being charged for insurance if their car is destroyed.

One major reason for this could be the sheer balancing issues that come with crossplay. Rockstar has also given no word on if they will ever introduce crossplay, but given the age of GTA 5 and the fact that their latest title, Red Dead Redemption 2, does not have it we feel it’s safe to say this feature isn’t coming. The only available cross-save support was if you were transferring from the Xbox 360 or PS3 versions, but this also ended a few years back. There is also no cross-save support, so if you want to move from PS4 to PC, you will need to start from the very beginning. Unfortunately no, Grand Theft Auto V does not have any crossplay support regardless of what system you play on. However, some may be wondering if there is any crossplay or cross-save support in Rockstar’s third-person epic. While the offline portion hasn’t received any expansions, GTA Online boasts numerous DLC that has truly opened up the world of Los Santos.

Despite releasing seven years ago, Rockstar’s fifth entry in this iconic series has garnered a long-lasting and dedicated fanbase. Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most popular online and offline games of this generation.